Sharp Edge Berries Cake

Sharp edge cake has always been one of my baking goals, so here it’s checked off at my son’s third birthday. Simple, elegant, and super fruity with the blueberry mousse all over the cake, strawberry mousse inside the cake, plus both fresh berries in and out. This time I modified roll cake recipe from ABC Cooking Studio. For you who haven’t known yet, they have recipe pages for free in Japanese! So, even though you’re not joining their cake course, you can still learn from the expert rather than relying on Cookpad 😛 Another recommended website by Japanese cooking experts told by my friend is Minna no Kyo no Ryori. I love to see the recipes written by Japaneses because they likely use simpler and healthier ingredients than Americans’.

However, the language border becomes your problem, you probably has to take a look at some Japanese bloggers who write their recipes in English such as (my fave one) Just One Cookbook

OK fellas, don’t worry for this cake I’ve included the translation of the recipe below. Of course some parts were removed because I made the round cake with mousse filling instead of roll cake. To get the ‘sharp edge’, I was also helped in correcting my already-spreaded-cream after watching video by Nehas Bakery.

Go to recipe now.

Sharp Edge Strawberry Cake

Strawberries and blueberries on the cake

Sesuai request birthday boy, cake kali ini harus ada strawberry dan blueberry. Alhamdulillah masih musim stroberi, tapi kalo beluberi (gimana cara meng-Indonesia-kan ‘blueberry’? haha) kapan pun juga mahal di sini, jadi cukup pakai yang frozen —> berlaku juga untuk raspberry. 😝 Tips biar warna ungunya nggak meleber: jangan dikeluarin dari freezer sampai saatnya mendekor, tapi dicuci sedikit dan dikeringkan dulu sebelum ditata biar bunga esnya juga nggak bikin frosting jadi watery.
Di sini saya pakai resep mousse yang paling gampil: whipped cream dicampur selai (jam). No gelatine yet firm and holding shape for days! Cream dikocok sampai glossy dan sekedar nggak jatuh saat dibalik, jangan terlalu lama atau kencang kecepatannya, atau dia akan jadi keras dan agak buttery, nggak bisa mulus waktu diratakan, tapi kalo pun itu terjadi, don’t worry tinggal tambah krim segar yang belum dikocok. Selain itu, selainya pun akan menambah kadar air sehingga krim yang sudah over kocok bisa dikoreksi teksturnya.
Untuk membuat “sharp edge” alias pinggiran kue yang tajam ala kue-kue di Co*y Corn*r, tentu sobat (halah) butuh spinning cake stand, scraper, dan flat spatula. Invest them if you’re really interested to master some basic skills of cake decoration 😉.
Cara buat plakat “3”-nya gampang kok. Coklat putih dilelehkan (pakai metode double boiler, saya pakai microwave) lalu diratakan di atas kertas roti, potong dengan cookies cutter, bekukan di freezer. Selanjutnya dengan cara yang sama untuk coklat coklat (lho), tapi masukin ke kulkas aja, saat permukaan bawah masih agak cair, tempelkan ke coklat putih yang udah keras, lalu bekukan lagi di freezer.





All should be in room temperature
Large eggs 4 pcs
Sugar 100 g
Flour 100 g, sift later while pouring to egg mixture
Milk 30 ml
Vanilla essence 1/2 tsp

*I divided the batter into two molds:
– oven tray 29 x 25 x 2 cm –> this is too big so I had much leftover T_T
– round cake mold no.6 (diameter 18 cm)

Mousse cream

Heavy cream 2 packs / 200 ml x 2
Sugar 40 g
Strawberry jam for filling 40 g (I needed moreee because it’s not as bright as red color in raspberry jam –> original recipe calls for raspberry jam, but I couldn’t find it in regular supermarket)
Blueberry jam for outer cream as needed (I picked 100% jam without sugar so as you can see the fresh blueberry fruits are still showing)

Syrup –> I only use honey and water mixture. Make mixture with ratio syrup : water = 3 : 1.

Topping / filling

Fresh strawberries
Frozen blueberries (of course you can pick the fresh ones too)
Chocolate bar, white and chocolate color


– Put cooking sheets all over the molds
– Preheat the oven 200 ℃
– Wash and dry the fruits

1) Place all eggs and sugar in the mixer bowl, beat with high speed until it turns pale yellow

I had to use speed 10 of 12 to get the right consistency. The mixture is ready when you see no more bubbles, the mixture is thick, fall like ribbons, and if you draw “K” letter in the flat surface with the mixture the shape won’t fade away.

Beating eggs to ribbons stage

Beating eggs to ribbons stage

2) Add the flour into egg mixture

Trick: sifting the flour while pouring. It will allow the air to come into the mixture, so your cake won’t be dense. You can add flour in three partitions, or all at once, then mix flour with egg by using “from the center to the bottom of the bowl” technic like drawing “J” letter. This method is called kiri mazeru (切り混ぜる)in Japan.

3) Add the milk and vanilla essence mixture

Don’t pour the milk directly into the batter. Use the spatula to pass the milk gradually that it falls slowly. Mix a few times. Now your batter is ready to bake!

4) Pour the cake batter into the molds

Tap the bottom of the molds few times to get rid of air bubbles. Bake in the oven for 10-12 minutes. The result:

Making mousse

1) Beat heavy cream and sugar until stiff peak: shiny and firm, but not hard.
2) Mix with jam using spatula. Since I wanted to have two kinds of mousse, I divided the whipped cream into two, one part with strawberry jam (for filling) and another one with blueberry jam (for outer decoration).


1) Cut the cake from rectangle mold into strips. The width is up to you, depending on how tall the cake you wanna make.

2) Cut the cake from round mold horizontally into two discs.

3) In the bigger round mold OR mousse film, arrange the cake cuts like the picture below. Put another half of round cake. You may have leftover cake strips. Save it for making roll cake!

Warning: Don’t fill up “the crater” with the mousse. I made a mistake. I cut the cake too short for the edge so after arrange the strawberries and mousse, the height was used up. I fixed it by cutting small cake strip as the upper edge then :))

mousse cake arrangement

Cake, strawberries filling, and mousse arrangement

4) Don’t worry we can fix everything after covering cake with the cream. Hahaha.



Sharp edge cream frosting


5) Garnish the cakes with fresh berries and birthday plaque from chocolate (I didn’t take the picture of chocolate making)

sharp edge strawberry and blueberry cake by recipega

Sharp edge strawberry and blueberry cake by Recipega

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