Wedding Outfit

Yesterday I stopped by at a post in blogger group I join. The post starter, a bride-to-be girl, is asking for other members’ opinion about choosing wedding makeup artist and by chance she comes from the same city with me :grin:. While sharing my experience, I recommended her to look at my wedding-related posts in this website, but I just realized that I haven’t written in detail about our wedding outfit and face make-over than what it looked at a glimpse of the ceremonies. So, here we go.. hope it can help you, Mbak!

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Late Wedding Gift

Yes, less than a month later we’re gonna celebrate our second anniversary. Yet, last week there was still a big wedding gift arrived at our door. Wow! The gift came from Ega’s friends in campus organization where Aisar also became a member. Rosi, who arranged to send it to our address, said that they had raised the funds to buy it, but unfortunately none of them could come to our wedding due to the distance and transportation issue. Yeah, we got married in the rural area, indeed 😛 Anyway, thank you so much for keeping it that long until we are back to Indonesia now. Jazakillah khayr, Sisters!

Late gift #3, sent 23 months after wedding (April 4th, 2014)

Late gift #3, received 23 months after wedding (April 4th, 2014)

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One Year Later.. When Our Invitation Has Inspired Another Couple

Hi! Have you seen our 1st anniversary collage in the previous post?
Yes, time flies so fast and.. hello, the first-year challenge, I’m done with you amazingly! 😛

Not long after anniversary, some days ago, my mom sent me photo via Whatsapp. She just said, “Someone has imitated your invitation.”. When I opened the photo.. Wow! An invitation with the “Muslim-couple in wedding dress” picture as featured on our invitation’s cover was shown!
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Merancang Undangan

“Mana undangannya?”
“Ditunggu undangannya!”
dan kalimat-kalimat senada lainnya biasa jadi bahan bercandaan kita.
Entah undangan apa maksudnya, tapi sepertinya semua orang sudah mafhum kalo yang dimaksud adalah undangan pernikahan 😀

Kenapa undangan yang ditanyakan? Kenapa bukan udah booking gedung atau belum?
(Ya iyalah, mana bias dibandingin.. ah contohnya nggak pas ini -_-)

Yeah, anyway, emang ternyata sepenting itulah peran sebuah undangan.
Kalo benda satu ini udah dirilis dan disebar, mungkin jadi ada perasaan bangga karena bisa jawab pertanyaan orang-orang seputar undangan tadi.

Hehe. Baru menyadari nilai sebuah undangan setelah mengalaminya sendiri.
Setiap detil isi undangan yang akan dituangkan harus dipikirkan masak-masak, didiskusikan bareng oleh kedua belah pihak yang sering diselingi debat, dan disesuaikan dengan kamus serta EYD. Yang terakhir lebai kali pun.. kalo mantennya nggak perfeksionis sih nggak ada tahap itu kayanya.

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Necessary Documents for Your Wedding

Here some of archives we made when preparing the wedding. Hope it can be references for you who”re going to marry soon. Yatta!